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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Biophysics and medical physics
Modelling the effect of osmotic pressure on cancer cell growth: The role of area size and duration of exposure
Optical measurements of microrheological parameters of blood and analysis of their relationship with its viscosity in cardiovascular diseases
Mathematical modeling of the lower limbs varicose veins thermographic image
Arachidonic acid metabolites and cortical depression: From local to spatial model
Methodology of collection, recording and markup of biophysical multimodal data in the study of human psychoemotional states
Encapsulation in emulsion microgels: A high-tech strategy for the rational use of antibiotics
Influence of strain differences on resistance of Staphylococcus aureus to photodynamic action using meso-substituted cationic porphyrins
Application of machine learning and statistics to anaesthesia detection from EEG data
Kinetics of glycerol-induced molecular diffusion in the normal and cancerous ovarian tissues
Optimization of methods for isolation and identification of peptides isolated from Hermetia illucens larvae
Burst dynamics of a spiking neural network caused by the activity of the extracellular matrix of the brain
Optical labeling of individual melanoma cells using photoconvertible microparticles
Hardware-software complex for diagnostics of a human psychophysiological state during the solving of cognitive tasks
Luminescent probe method in the study of the interaction of glycated human serum albuminwith non-glycated human serum albumin
Impact of the light profile on circadian and homeostatic markers in the sleep-wake switching model
Features of photo-stimulated adsorption of enzymes on semiconductor substrate
Effect of functionalization on the electrical properties of laser-structured hybrid carbon nanomaterials
Composite hydrogel gellan gum-based materials with CaCO3 vaterite particles
Effect of pH and ionic strength on the photoluminescence of size-fractionated AgInS2/ZnS quantum dots
Fluorescent nanosized PAMAM dendrimers: One-step formation of a bright blue fluorophore on terminal groups and its optical properties
Competitive bidirectional pathways of vascular tone regulation via arachidonic acid metabolites
Assessment of spatiotemporal heterogeneity of two-dimensional images on the example of photoplethysmograpic imaging of hemodynamics
Ex vivo study of the kinetics of ovarian tissue optical properties under the influence of 40%-glucose
Submicron vaterite particles, loaded with porphyrazine photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy of bladder carcinoma cells
Small-angle polarimetry as a technique for identification of nucleotide sequences in bioinformatics
Analysis of protein fractions of water-soluble peptides by dynamic light scattering
Interrelation between pulse wave forms in the peripheral arteries registered by methods of impedance rheography and ultrasonic dopplerography
Differences in optical properties of rat muscle tissue at room and physiological temperatures
Physical-chemical approach to the calculation of adsorption characteristics of low molecular components of blood of the patients with heart failure
Diagnostics of arterial vessels of athletes using Doppler ultrasound measurement
Photoplethysmographic imaging of hemodynamics and two-dimensional oximetry
Adaptation of the method of coupling analysis based on phase dynamics modeling to EEG signals during an epileptic seizure in comatose patients
Mechanisms of intermolecular interaction of mitoxantrone with targeted delivery polyelectrolyte capsules
The interference of GB-speckles in molecular discrimination of bacterial pathogens: The use of the s-LASCA method on the Chlamydia psittaci model
Integral mapping of the sweat-gland activity using differential thermography technique
The method for diagnostics of the phase synchronization of the vegetative control of blood circulation in real time
Effect of electric field pulses on the suspension of microcontainers based on organic polymer and magnetite nanoparticles
Features of the dynamics of the optical and physiological properties of muscle tissue in vitro during its compression
Red blood cells sedimentation as a collective process – experimental and theoretical modeling
Development of a digital finger photoplethysmogram sensor
Conductive nanofibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering
Method for determining significant components for assessing pulse wave shape variability
Modeling of Epidemics by Cellular Automata Lattices. SIRS Model with Reproduction and Migration
Toxicity of Upconversion Nanoparticles. Overview
Measurement of Optical Properties of Human Gums and Dentin in the Spectral Range from 350 to 800 nm
Estimation of the Value of Reverse Blood Flow in the Artery by the Second Derivative of the Pulse Pressure Wave
Non-invasive Methods for in vivo Determination of the Skin Barrier Function – Advantages of Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy
Distal Pulse Measurement Provides Statistical, but not Dynamical, Features of the Central Pulse
Reflection Index of the Pulse Wave for Young Athletes
Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Strategies for Theranostics Applications
Detection of the Single Sweat Glands Activity Via the Macro Thermography Techniques and Its Relation with Skin Temperature and Peripheral Hemodynamics
Dehydration of Biotissues During Their Compression
Application of Thermal Imaging Diagnostics in Assessment of Inflammatory Response after Sclerotherapy in Patients with Lower Limb Varicose Disease
Investigation of Delay Time in Interaction between the Regulatory Circuits in the Cardiovascular System of Healthy Humans Using Modeling of Phase Dynamics
Influence of the Hydrogen Bond on the IR-spectrum and Structure of Molecular Complex of Diamond Nanoparticles and DNA Bases
Applying Methods of Diffuse Light Scattering and Optical Trapping for Assessing Blood Rheological Parameters: Erythrocytes Aggregation in Diabetes Mellitus
Optical Clearing of Cranial Bone by Multicomponent Immersion Solutions and Cerebral Venous Blood Flow Visualization
Optical Study of Blood Rheological Properties for Krushinsky – Molodkina Strain Rats with Diabetes Mellitus and Acute Disturbances of the Cerebral Circulation
Investigation of Mildronat ® Diffusion in Human Eye Sclera
Processing and Visualization of Large Data Arrays in Taxonomic and Evolutionary Studies of Living Nature1 (a review)
Study of Ethanol Impact on the Transepidermal Transport of Indocyanine Green with Backscattering Spectroscopy
Monte Carlo Simulation of Laser Radiation Propagation in the Multilayers Model of Head and Brain Tissues in Health and in the Presence of Intracranial Hematoma
Improved Data Processing Algorithm for Laser Ektacytometry of Red Blood Cells
Optical Clearing as Method to Increase the Depth of Nanoparticles Detection in the Skin with OCT-Visualization
Prospects For Application of Upconversion Particles NaYF4:Er,Yb for Phototherapy
Acoustoelectronic System for High Intensity Focused Ultrasonic Radiation Forming Aiming Nano- and Microsized Containers Opening
Mathematical Model of Vascular Tone Autoregulation
Optical Doppler Methods for the Measurements of Flow Velocities of Biological Liquids
Leukocytes’ «Highlighting» Effect and its Application to Identify Blood Cells by Digital Microscopy Method
Albumin Conformational Changes During Glycation and Thermal Denaturation Processes Revealed by Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Small-angle X-ray Scattering
Investigation of the Interaction and Dynamics of Collagen and Collagenase Molecules in Solutions by Dynamic Light Scattering
Study of Statistical Characteristics of GB-speckles, Forming at Scattering of Light on Virtual Structures of Nucleotide Gene Sequences of Enterobacteria
Estimation of Glucose Diffusion Coefficient in Human Dura Mater
On the Possibility of Stabilization of a Contracted State after Riboflavin/UV Cross-Linking of Collagenous Tissue in a Partially Dehydrated State
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