For citation:
Larionova O. S., Drevko Y. B., Khanadeev V. A., Gorshunova S. V., Kozlov E. S., Larionov S. V. Analysis of protein fractions of water-soluble peptides by dynamic light scattering. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 37-45. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2023-23-1-37-45, EDN: DLHAFH
Analysis of protein fractions of water-soluble peptides by dynamic light scattering
Background and Objectives: Currently, antimicrobial peptides are one of the main sources of alternative antibiotics because they can easily interact with bacterial peptidoglycan by penetrating or dissolving biofilms with minimal side effects. However, from a practical point of view, questions remain open about choosing the optimal method for obtaining and scaling the process of isolating peptides from insect biomass, as well as analyzing drug prototypes. In this regard, the search for methods of analysis and control of protein fractions of water-soluble peptides used for the subsequent development of antibacterial drugs based on them is an urgent task. The aim of this work was to study the protein fractions of water-soluble peptides isolated from Musca domestica larvae by dynamic light scattering. Materials and Methods: The results of the study of fractions of water-soluble peptides from Musca domestica larvae by dynamic light scattering are presented. The selection of optimal methods for the analysis and control of prototypes of antibacterial drugs based on antimicrobial peptides will reduce the time of research and ensure the accuracy of the results obtained. Results: It has been found that all the analyzed peptides have a sufficiently high stability in the aqueous medium which is confirmed by values of the zeta potential from −11.2 mV to −12 mV. The peptides at a concentration of 666 µg/ml with a molecular weight of less than 3.5 kDa, it has been found that their size was in the range of 68–142 nm; with a molecular weight of 3.5–7 kDa – 43–68 nm; with a molecular weight of 7–14 kDa – 43–105 nm; with a molecular weight of more than 14 kDa – 79–190 nm. The use of the dynamic light scattering method for the control and analysis of protein fractions of water-soluble peptides is established. The use of this method will reduce the time of analysis, identify micro-impurities, ensure simplicity of execution and almost complete absence of consumables. Conclusion: Use of dynamic light scattering is justified as a fast method of analyzing the obtained fractions of peptides, establishing the absence of trace impurities. Taking into account the almost complete absence of consumables, reduced analysis time and ease of execution in comparison with high-performance liquid chromatography, this detection method can be successfully used in everyday practice.
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