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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Resonant Self-Action and Non-Stationary Coherent Transients in Frequency-Modulated CW Laser Beams
The Resonance Phenomena in Electrodynamic Systems with Metal, Dielectric and Semiconducting Inclusions
The Investigation of the 4-Butil-4’-Cyanobiphenyl IR Spectra Transformations at the Temperature Changes
Developing the System of Classification and Diagnostics for Ophtalmology Deseases with the Help of Artificial Neural Networks
Vibrational Spectra and Structural Dynamic Models of Gb-, Gd-, Gf-Agents
Multiple Light Scattering Investigation in Ppolymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals: Monte-Carlo Simulation
Photodynamic Influence of Red (625 nm) and Infra-Red (805 nm) Radiation on Bacteria P. Acnes Processed by Photosensitizes
Mathematical Model of Drags and Immersion Liquids Diffusion in Human Ocular Tissues
Dielectric Resonators: The Integral and Integrodifferential Equations Methods
Vibrational Spectra of Benzophenone Conformers
Analysis of Vibration States of Heterocycles
Phenomenological Theory of Ion Movement in Electromagnetic Field
Investigation of the Parton Plasma Isotropization at the Heavy Ion Collisions
The H-bond and near surface layer structure in bicomponent heterosystems on the basis of titanium dioxide nano particles
Investigation of the influence of the hydrogen bonding on the structure and vibrational spectra of biphenylmethanols
Bound Modes Gain in Microstructured Optical Fibers
Study of Nucleic Acid Bases by Methods of Resonance Raman Spectroscopy
In Search of Caloric Equation of Liquid State
The Equivalence Rule in Field and Force Magneto-Statics
Diffraction Of Flat Electromagnrtic Wave On Non-Linear Dielectric Slab
The Influence of the Layered Structure Electrodes on the Characteristics of the Surface Acoustic Waves Devices
Multifractal Analysis of Signals Based on Wavelet-Transform
Using of Method Spectrometric Analysis for Detection Microorganisms
Instanton for the Maxwell–Einstein Equations
Structural-dinamics Models and Spectral Identification of Monohydroxysubstituted Flavone
Methods for Enhancing Emissive Ability of the Carbon Nanotubes
Analysis by Finite Element Method of Integral Antenna of RFID Tag at 5.5–6.5 GНz
Surface Acoustic Wave Propagation in Two-dimensional Phononic Crystal on Piezoelectric Substrate
Dispersion Characteristic Calculation of Photonic Crystal Fiber Guided Modes
Influence of Water and Biology Active Media on Silicon Nanostructures
Methodological Aspects and Structure Modelling and Predicting the Behaviour of Nanocomposite Materials in QuantumWise
The Effect of Illumination on Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Molecules During Adsorption onto Semiconductor Substrate
Comparative Experimental Investigations of Backward Diffuse Light Scattering of Test Objects
Kinetics of Diffusion-limited Elongation of DNA Fragments
Study of Stochastic Andronov – Hopf Bifurcation in the Oscillator by a Numerical Method
Model Potentials of Intermolecular Interaction Pyridine, Skatole and Pyrrole with Water
Influence of 40%-glucose Solution on a Human Corneal Structure
Optimization of Phacoemulsification in Different Forms of the Cataract in the Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Ecological Diagnostics of the Safety of Premises
Constructive Interference of Optical Solitons in Dispersion Oscillating Fiber
Thermostable Tunable YIG Oscillator
Numerical Simulation of Vibronic Spectra for Polyatomic Molecules
Temperature Effects in Vibronic Intensity of Absorption and Resonance Fluorescence Spectra
Chaos in the System of Three Coupled Rotators: from Anosov Dynamics to Hyperbolic Attractor
Nonequilibrium the Microwave Plasma of Low Pressure in Scientific Researches and Development Micro and Nanoelectronics
Model of Cardiovascular System Autonomic Regulation with a Circuit of Baroreflectory Control of Mean Arterial Pressure in the Form of Delayed-Feedback Oscillator
Statistic Characteristics of Akulinichev’s Map
Digital Speckle Photography with Correlation Processing of Spatial Spectrum of Specklegram for Determination of Micro Displacement of Scattering Object
Self-mixing Interferometry of Distance at Wavelength Modulation of Semiconductor Laser
Optical Clearing of Human Eye Sclera by Aqueous 30%-Glucose Solution
The Liquid Crystal Modulator on the Basis of the Waveguide Mode in the Twist Structure with the High Twist Angle
Model of the Miniature Modulator for Microwave Devices
Comparison of Methods for Phase Synchronization Diagnostics from Test Data Modeling Nonstationary Signals of Biological Nature
Time-delayed Feedback Control of Coherence Resonance. Experimental Study
Microwave Photonic Crystals. New Application Areas
Surface Electromagnetic Waves in the of Optical Range (Surface Plasmon Polaritons – SPPs): Their Properties and Applications
The Manifestation’s Research of the Pair Association in the Pyridine’s Ir-Spectrums by the Matrix Isolation Technique
The influence of Morphology, Conditions of Production and External Effects on Nanoparticles’ (in Terms of Iron) Dielectric Properties
Microwave Absorption Spectra and Resonance Frequencies of a «Magnetic Nanocomposite Coating – Microstrip Line» Structure
Fluorescent Properties of Quantum Dots During Silanization Process
Тhе Quasipotential Approach to the Syperfine Splitting of Muonic Hydrogen and Positronium
Creating and Fluorescence of the Multilayer Langmuir – Blodgett Films of CdSe/CdS/ZnS Quantum Dots
Range of Gamma Quanta in the Beryllium Target
Power Range of Photoneutrons from 209Bi at Е γmax = 12 MeV
Research of the Contact Pads Topology Influence on the Parameters Reproducibility of the Current Oscillations in Mesa-Planar Structures Based on Semi-Insulatinggallium Arsenide
Total Conversion of Terahertz Wave Polarization by Graphene Microribbon Array without Magnetic Field
The Influence of Monogaloidosubstitution on the Structure and Dynamics of Sixmember Cyclic Compounds
Recovery of Models of Time-delay Systems from Short Experimental Time Series
Application of Thin Film Structures Based on Amorphous Silicon for pH Measurements in Solutions
Calculation of Field Amplitude Distribution of Ultrasonic Wave Beam in Moving Media
About the Definition of a Nonlinear Inductance in Static and Dynamic Regimes
Reception of Ultrashort Radio Pulses Propagating in a Dispersion Medium
Low-density Approximation in the Theory of Creation the Electron-positron Plasma from Vacuum in Strong Laser Fields
IR Spectra of Salol and theirs Interpretation by Molecular Modeling
On the Use of Optical Clearing in Strengthening the Sclera by Collagen Photocrosslinking
Compensation for Losses in a Resonant Circuit when Using Inertial Inductive and Capacitive Two-poles
Plasmonic Rectification of Terahertz Radiation in a Grating-gated Graphene
Production of Tungsten Spherical Microparticles in Ultrasonic Field at Presence an Activator
Morphology of Gas Sensitive Tin Dioxide Thin Films Operating at Room Temperature
Morphological Changes in Transplanted Sarcoma S45 at Photodynamic Therapy Using Nanocomposites Based on Gold Nanorods
Phase Dynamics Modeling Technique for Estimation of Delayed Couplings between Nonlinear Oscillators Accounting for Influence of Amplitudes
Calculation of Scale Factors for Quantum-mechanical Force Fields
Calculation of Atomic Integrals with Exponentialy Correlated Functions
Digital Holographic Interferometry of Microdeformations of the Scattering Objects
A History of One «Artefact»
Dynamics of Dual Phase
Vacuum Creation of Charged Particles: Some Integral Relations
Current Abilities Investigation Ultrastucture Cells of Microorganisms Using Method Scanning Probe Microscopy
Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Nonlinear Waves Dynamics in a Physically Nonlinear Elastic Cylindrical Shells with Viscous Incompressible Liquid inside Them
Determining Parameters of Planar Capacitors Based of Thin Film Ferroelectric Materials
Matrix Description of Multicoupled Oscillatory Systems Based on Tridiagonal Matrixes
IR Spectra of Cyclohexanol, Structural-Dynamic Models of Molecule
The Conservation Laws and the Densities of Electromagnetic Field Energy and Momentum in Dispersive Media
A Complex Approach for the Study of Biofilms of Microorganisms by Atomic Force Microscopy
Mathematical Modeling of Endothelium-Induced Smooth Muscle Cell Relaxation
Spheroidal Graphite – Unique Morphological Formation of Carbon
Application of Two-fluid Model for Flow Treating in Pipes of Circle Profile
From the Principle of Landauer to the Computer of Landauer
Interpretaion of Vibrational State for Trinitrophenol Isomers and Conformers
Rotational Isomeric and Vibrational Spectra of Monomers and Dimers for Acrylic Acid
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