Izvestiya of Saratov University.


ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)

For citation:

Yankin S. S., Talby A., Perbedaan J., Preobrazhensky V. L., Pernod P., Bu Matar O. Surface Acoustic Wave Propagation in Two-dimensional Phononic Crystal on Piezoelectric Substrate. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 5-12. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2014-14-2-5-12

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Surface Acoustic Wave Propagation in Two-dimensional Phononic Crystal on Piezoelectric Substrate

Yankin Sergey Sergeevich, Saratov State University
Talby Abdelkrim, Central school of Lille
Perbedaan Jean-Claude, Central school of Lille
Preobrazhensky Vladimir Leonidovich, Central school of Lille
Pernod Philip, Central school of Lille
Bu Matar Olivier, Central school of Lille

Using finite element method analysis of surface acoustic wave (SAW) propagation in the phononic crystal in a form of periodic lattice from nickel pillars, located on a piezoelectric substrate of Y + 128°-cut LiNbO3, has been conducted. Amplitude and phase characteristics of SAW propagation through said structure have been numerically studied and the change in the formed stopbands width and center frequency, related with geometric parameters of the phononic crystal changing, was analyzed. The numerical results were compared with the experimental measurements.

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