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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Comparative Analysis of Different Types of Phototherapy in Patients with Lichen Planus
Dynamics of the Coupled Nonautonomous Nonlinear Oscillators with Irrational Driving Frequencies Ratio
Influence of the Co-Phase Harmonis Excitation on the Dynamics of the Two Coupled Period Doubling Systems
Influence of the H-bonding to the Structure and Vibrational Spectrum of 2,3-di-O-nytro-methyl-β-D-glucopyranoside
Hydrogen Bonding and its Influence on the Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Cyclohexanol
Calculation of Thermal Parameters and Technology of Formation MPL Microwave Range
Voltage-capacitance Characteristics of MIS-structures Based on Ferroelectric Films
Photoactivated Disinfection in Treatment of Dental Pathology
System’s Analysis of Vibrational Spectra in Dimmers of 5X-Substituted Uracile
Intensity of Spectral Lines Perturbed Vibrational Transitions States of the Main Absorption Bands Polyatomic Molecules
Application of Atomic Force Microscopy for Detection of Influence of Antibiotic Upon the Microbial Cell (on the Model of E.coli and I Generation Cephalosporins)
Investigating Stationary Conditions for Moments of Stochastic Process, Driven by Multiplicative Dichotomous Noise and Featuring Erlang First-order Distribution Function, Conditions Related by Golden Ratio
Completeness’ Problem of Being Transmitted Information
Statistics of Poincare Recurrence with Considering Effect of Fluctuations
Model of the Processes Nanostructure Formation during Plasma Spraying Hydroxyapatite Porous-Powder Coatings
Quasipotential Method of Spectrum Exotic Atoms
Explicit Solutions of the Maxwell−Einstein Equations. II
Angarmonic Shift of Lines in Modelling Calculations of Vibrational Spectra for Carbonic Acid Dimer with Hydrogen Bond
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Modulated cw Laser Beam in Spatial-Extended Nonlinear Medium
Non-Stationary Coherent Population Trapping in Frequency-Modulated Fields
Synchronous Dynamics of Nephrons Ensembles
Why the Refractive Index Couldn't Be Negative
Calculation of Structure and IR Spectrum of the 2,3-di-O-nytro-methyl-β-D-Glucopyranoside Molecule by Density Functional Method
The Perspective Slow-wave Systems of Terahertz Band for TWT
Analysis of Fruit Juices Using a Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Waveguides
Optical Transient Nutation in Frequency-modulated cw Laser Beams in Resonant Self-Action Conditions
Parametric Gain Calculation in Photonic Crystal Fiber
Modelling Calculations of Vibrational Spectra for Substituted Benzoic Acid
Dynamics of Morphological and Biochemical Changes in Laboratory Animals with Transplanted Kidney Cancer after Intravenous Injection of Gold Nanoshells
The Study of Possibility of Magnetic Microparticle Deposit in Skin at Superficial Application
Morphological Changes in the Internal Organs and Implanted Liver Tumor after Intravenous Injection of Gold Nanorods in Rats with Diabetes and Transplanted Tumor
Vibrational Spectra and Structure of Spinohromes
Morphological Changes in the Internal Organs of Laboratory Animals under a Single Administration of Fe Nanoparticles
TGF-Mode Elimination in Hemodynamics of Vascular Nephron Tree
Method of Time-Delay Systems Recovery from Time Series with Known Type of Model Equation
Plasmon-Resonance Gold Nanoparticles as Drug Carriers and Optical Labels for Cytological Investigations
The Changes of Morphological Indicators of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood at Long Exposure of Gold Nanoparticles
The Influence of the Boundary Conditions on ohe Dynamics of the Piezogyroscope’s Sensitive Element
Mathematical Modelling Multilayered Waveguides Magnitodielektrical Structures with Strip and Slot Elements on Borders of Section of Environments
Technique of Digital Laser Speckle-Photography for Measurement of Scattered Object Microdisplacement
Dependence of Fractal Dimension of Biospeckles on Conditions of Illumination: Computer Simulation
Dynamic and Spectral Characteristics of Time Series Describing Pulse Wave Velocity
Optical biomedical diagnostics
Modelling the dynamics of photonic crystal broad-area surface emitting laser
Heterophase semiconductors under action of irradiations
Classical analysis of recombination of antihydrogen in a strong magnetic field
Nonstationary excitation of open structures
Anishchenko-Astakhov self-sustained oscillator as one of the basic models of deterministic chaos
Modeling of Structure and Vibration Spectra for Oxygen Substituted Compounds. 1. Spirits
Effect of Spectral Properties of Image Sensor on Interference Experiment
Investigation of «Erythrocyte – Plasma» Complex in Native Human Blood Slide Using White-Light Full-Field Microinterferometry
Exactly Solvable Model of Instantaneously Switched-On Field In the Kinetics of Vacuum Particle Creation
Non-Markovian Quantum Relaxation and Theory of Spectral Lines Width
Coherent States and Mode Dynamics in Kerr Nonlinear Medium
Superextensions of Landau Models
SN and СМВ Data and Higgs Particle Mass in a Scale-Invariant Gravitation Theory
On Solving the Low-Dimensional Boundary Value Problems of Quantum Mechanics by Kantorovich Method - Reduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
Plasma Nanostructuring of Polymer Track Membranes Surface for Antiglaucomatous Surgery
Electromagnetic Interaction for Muonium and Muonic Hydrogen
The Dynamic Model of Termoelastic Properties on the Base of Anharmonize Oscillation Atoms
An Explicit Solutions of the Maxwell-Einstein Equations
Dynamical Chaos In Quantum Systems
The Study of Nail Bed Microcirculation by Laser Speckle-Imaging Technique
Contrasting in Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging of Liver by Nanoparticles
Visualization of Penetration of TiO2 Nanoparticles into Tooth Tissues Samples Using Optical Coherence Tomography
Complex Waveforms and Synchronization in Functional Model of Vascular Nephron Tree
Signal Propagation in Nerve Fiber
The Resonant Mechanism of Excitation Exchange Spin Waves in Layered Monolithic Ferrite-Ferrite Structures
Integral Equations for Photonic Crystal Fibers
Solution Method of the Nonlinear Equations of Mathemathical Physics by the Influence Function
Asymptotic Freedom into the Mechanics of Composite Particle Inelastic Collisions at High Energies
On Diffusive Dissociation of the Non-linear Coupled Particles of Atomic and Subatomic Systems
Pair Production in a Strong Electric Field with an Account of the Coulomb Interaction
Geometry of the Free System of Material Points with Masses Depending on the Configuration of the System
Development of Ideas about Nature of Sight from Leonardo da Vinci to Thomas Young
Absorption as an Indication of Vacuum e+–e– Pair Creation in a Strong Nonstationary Electric Field
The Reseach of Corrections to the Fine Shift of Energy Levels in the Hydrogen-Like Atoms
The Irregular Dynamics of the Yang–Mills Fields in Thermostat
The Sine–Gordon Brizer Stochastic Dissoziation in an External Fields
Influence of Time-delay in the Coupling Channel on the Complete Synchronization of Chaos
The Display of Intermolecular Interaction in Uracil Dimmers
Digital Optical Holography with Virtual Reference Wave
Cluster synchronization destruction and chaos in an inhomoceneous active medium
Vibronic spectra and structure of exited states of polyatomic molecules
Solitons and clusters in one-dimensional ensembles of interacting brownian particles
Contemporary problems in modeling from time series
Radiotechnical methods for the analysis of the multifrequency working regimes of the beam devices with longitudinal interaction
Ballistic Auto-Correlation Interferometry
Disclosure of Objects in Multilayared Media by Waveguide Probe
The Investigation of the Fine Shift to the Energy Levels in the Hydrogen–Like Atoms with Accuracy α^6 ln α^(-1) by Quasipotential Method
Prospects of Perfecting the Parameters Small-Dimensioned X-Band Microtron
On the Problem of Complete Synchronization in Beam-Plasma Systems
Modulating Effect of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation on Hydrogen Sulfide Toxicity
Laser Interferometry for Study of the Diffusion Process in Glycerol−Water System
On Conservation Lows for Energy and Momentum in Electromagnetic Field in Media and Under Plane Wave Diffraction on Conducting Plate
Identification of Action Potentials of Small Neuron Ensembles Using Wavelet-Analysis and Neural Networks Method
About Conditionality of Nonlinear Responce of Miogenic Response of Afferent Arteriola for Irregular Self-Sustained Oscillations of Nephron Proximal Pressure
Cryptography from the Physicist's Point of View
Structure-Dinamic Modeles of Cyclopropane and Cyclopentene
The Vibrationai Spectra of 2-Biphenylmethanol and their Interpretation by Using of Molecul Structural-Dynamical Model Taking into Account Mechanical Anharmonicity
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