For citation:
Malyar I. V., Stetsyura S. V. The Effect of Illumination on Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Molecules During Adsorption onto Semiconductor Substrate. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 49-52. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2014-14-2-49-52
The Effect of Illumination on Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Molecules During Adsorption onto Semiconductor Substrate
The analytical model describing the influence of illumination of semiconductor substrate during polyelectrolyte adsorption onto it, which results in different deposited organic layer thickness, was suggested. The both changes of non-equilibrium charge carriers concentrations and surface charge density under illumination of semiconductor were considered, which allows one to explain changing of adsorbed layer thickness due to molecule conformation changes because of their electrostatic interaction with photosensitive substrate. Based on experimental results of surface potential changes under illumination the analytical dependences in good quantitative and qualitative agreement with empirical data were obtained.
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