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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Radiophysics, electronics, acoustics
Collective dynamics of ensembles of radio engineering models of FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillators coupled via a hub
Modeling and calculation of dispersed media flows in a channel with rapid expansion in the presence of nucleation, coagulation and phase transitions
Impact of anharmonicity on multistability in a self-sustained oscillatory system with two degrees of freedom
The role of coupling, noise and harmonic impact in oscillatory activity of an excitable FitzHugh–Nagumo oscillator network
Synchronization in phase oscillator networks with “ring” and “small world” link topologies and different dependences of the oscillator frequency on its network location
Simulation of scattering properties of modular metasurfaces in the 16–25 GHz range and comparison with experimental results
Effect of the finite conductivity of a metal on properties of a magnetostatic backward volume wave in layered metallized structures
Analysis of three non-identical Josephson junctions by the method of Lyapunov exponent charts
High-dimensional discrete map based on coupled quasi-periodic generators
Simulation of turbulent gas flow
Control of collective dynamics in multiplex networks of bistable time-delayed feedback oscillators with switched couplings
Modeling battery systems – problems of nonlinearity, efficiency, aging, coupling, and network setup
Tamm resonances control in one-dimensional microwave photonic crystal for measuring parameters of heavily doped semiconductor layers
Decrease of low-frequency spectral power in a heart rate variability signal in a mathematical model of the cardiovascular system of arterial hypertension patients
Electrical properties of a composition based on polydimethylsiloxane filled with gallium oxide
Oscillation modes of a linear oscillator, induced by frequency fluctuations in the form of non-Markovian dichotomous noise
Experimental study of a bidirectional impulse turbine in a steady gas flow
Influence of noise on generalized synchronization in systems with a complex topology of attractor
Numerical simulation of stages number influence to the characteristics of a looped tube thermoacoustic Stirling engine
Nonlinear tunneling of electromagnetic wave through a plasma layer
On the effect of noise on quasiperiodicity of different dimensions, including the quasiperiodic Hopf bifurcation
Dynamics of the generator with three circuits in the feedback loop. Multistability formation and transition to chaos
Mutual synchronization of complex structures in interacting ensembles of non-locally coupled rotators
Cascade of Invariant Curve Doubling Bifurcations and Quasi-Periodic Hénon Attractor in the Discrete Lorenz-84 Model
Mutual Synchronization of Dissipatively Coupled Memristive Self-Oscillators
Communication Systems with Correlation Receiver Based on Generators with Dynamical Chaos
On the Physical Basis of Ultra-High-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Gyroscopes Based on the Sagnac Effect
Numerical Study of the Influence of the Electric Charge of a Dispersed Phase on the Propagation of a Shock Wave from Homogeneous Gas to a Dusty Medium
Synchronization Effects in a Two-Layer Network of Nonlocally Coupled Chaotic Maps with Dissipative and Inertial Intercoupling
Resonance Features in the Allowed and Forbidden Bands of Microwave Coaxial Bragg Structures with Periodically Alternating Dielectric Filling
Reflecting, Nonlocal, and Diagonal Coupling Topologies in Networks of the Coupled Dynamics Elements with Various Nature
Control of Collective Dynamics in a Network of Bistable Time-Delay Systems Coupled via the Mean Field
Chimera Structures in Ensembles of Nonlocally Coupled Sprott Maps
Poincare Recurrences and Afraimovich–Pesin Dimension in a Nonautonomous Conservative Oscillator
Waveguide-dielectric Resonance in Systems with Nanometer Metal Layer on Dielectric Substrate
From Anosov’s Dynamics on a Surface of Negative Curvature to Electronic Generator of Robust Chaos
Linear Model of Surface Terahertz Plasmons Amplification in Two Parallel Graphene Sheets
On the Theory of Synchronization of a Two-Mode Electron Maser with a Hard Excitation
Complex Dynamics and Chaos in the Rabinovich – Fabrikant Model
Numerical Simulation of a Looped Tube 4-Stage Traveling-Wave Thermoacoustic Engine
Lorenz Attractor in a System with Delay: an Example of Pseudogyperbolic Chaos
Synchronization of Chimera States in Ensembles of Nonlocally Coupled Cubic Maps
Calculation of Focusing Spin Wave Transducers Using the Method of Micromagnetic Simulation
Method for Information Transmission Using a Predictive Model in Coupled Time-delay Systems
Two Approaches to the Solution of the Scalar Problem of Diffraction on the Plane Two-periodic Lattice From Bodies of Revolution Located in the Liquid Layer
The Method of Visualization of Spatially Inhomogeneous Acousic Fields from Micro-Objects on the Basis of Acousto-Optic Interaction in the System with Double Fourier Transform
Simulation of a Sub-THz Traveling Wave Tube with Multiple Sheet Electron Beam
Negative Dispersion, Refraction and Backward Polaritons: Impedance Approach
Spatiotemporal Structures in an Ensemble of Nonlocally Coupled Nekorkin Maps
Spiral Wave Patterns in Two-Layer 2D Lattices of Nonlocally Coupled Discrete Oscillators. Synchronization of Spiral Wave Chimeras
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