Izvestiya of Saratov University.


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ISSN 2542-193X (Online)

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Kuznetsov A. P., Sataev I. R., Sedova Y. V. Analysis of three non-identical Josephson junctions by the method of Lyapunov exponent charts. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2023, vol. 23, iss. 1, pp. 4-13. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2023-23-1-4-13, EDN: AKMGFG

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Analysis of three non-identical Josephson junctions by the method of Lyapunov exponent charts

Kuznetsov Alexander Petrovich, Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Sataev Igor R., Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Sedova Yuliya Viktorovna, Saratov Branch of the Institute of RadioEngineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences

Background and Objectives: The Josephson effect is widely used for both generating and receiving very high frequency signals. The approaches and methods of nonlinear dynamics are commonly used: construction of phase portraits, bifurcation analysis, Kuramoto model approach, etc. Usually large arrays of identical junctions are considered. However, the non-identity of junctions leads to new and interesting effects. A very popular model is a chain of junctions connected via an RLC circuit. In this case, two types of non-identity are possible – in terms of critical currents IN through the junctions and in terms of the value rN of junction resistances. An increase in the number of junctions from two to three leads to the possibility of quasiperiodic dynamics with invariant tori of dimensions both two and three and to a complex structure of the parameter space. Materials and Methods: In this paper, we will mainly consider three junctions that are not identical in terms of resistance. As the main research tool, we will use the method of construction of Lyapunov exponent charts. Within the framework of this method, the type of dynamics of the system is determined by the signature of the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. The parameter plane is scanned and the types of modes are identified at each point. The method is effective in that it allows one to study all types of possible regimes and fine details of the parameter space arrangement. Results: For the analysis of the dynamics of non-identical Josephson junctions, the method of Lyapunov exponent charts is effective. With its help, the regions of periodic regimes, regimes of two-frequency and three-frequency quasiperiodicity, chaos have been revealed. As a rule, the regions of two-frequency quasiperiodicity have the form of bands of different widths immersed in the region of three-frequency quasiperiodicity, which form the structure of the Arnold’s resonant web. Conclusion: The boundaries of the regions of two-frequency quasiperiodicity are the lines of saddle-node bifurcations of invariant tori. As the area of chaos increases, the Arnold’s resonant web can collapse. Changing the type of external circuit coupling the junctions does not fundamentally affect the dynamics of the system. 

This study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 21-12-00121, https://rscf.ru/en/project/21-12-00121/).
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