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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Optics and spectroscopy. Laser physics
Comparative analysis of low-frequency vibrational spectra of native and denatured proteins
Spectral manifestations of hyaluronic acid intermolecular interaction with nitrogen-containing amino acids
IR spectra of hydrated CaSO4 in the mid-infrared range
Optical spectroscopy of nanoporous membranes based on anodic alumina in an ammonia gas flow
Phase-sensitive amplification of an optical signal in the modulation instability sidebands with single-frequency pump
Experimental and theoretical study of the effect of temperature on collagen in aqueous solution
Polymorphism manifestations and aqueous environment influence on the physico-chemical properties of modified succinic acid
Speckle correlometry as a method for evaluating the dynamics of the liquids foam
Effect of the mechanism of interaction between single-layer carbon nanotubes of different diameters and albumin in solid nanocomposites on fluorescence spectra
Statistical properties of GB speckle patterns: Influence of the phase modulation depth of the synthesized GB apertures
Аngular optical characteristics of a standard twist indicator with a phase compensator
Spectral manifestations of amino acids from immunoglobulin and tumor necrosis factor composition intermolecular interaction and effect of cyanine 7 on this interaction
Nanodisplacement measurements by frequency-modulated laser autodyne
The effect of radiation losses in localized fluorescence upon laser pumping of fluorescent random media
Transformation of Eigenvalues of the Zakharov–Shabat Problem under the Effect of Soliton Collision
Distance Measurement with Harmonic Modulation of Self-Mixing Laser Wavelength at External Optical Feedback
Numerical Modeling of the Opposite Waves Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in a Ring Fibre Nonlinear Microcavity
Specificity of the Mathematical Modeling of Light Fields in a Sensing Element for the Fiber-Based Evanescent-Wave Mid-IR Spectroscopy
Method for Measuring Acceleration by the Spectrum of Self-Mixing Signal of Semiconductor Laser
Referenceless Low-Coherence Reflectometry of Random Media under Wide-Band Spectral Selection of Scattered Probe Light
Methods of Digital Holography in Interference Microscopy of Reflective Object in Partially Coherent Light
Dynamic Light Scattering Method in Studies of Silica and Gold Nanoparticles
Optical Soliton Inelastic Interacitons in Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with Variable Coefficients Model
Application of Dynamic Light Scattering and Absorption Spectroscopy to Studies of Systems with Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles + DNA
Interpretation of IR and Raman Spectra of Albumin
Difference-Frequency Generator and Optical Parametric Oscillator Pumped by a Semiconductor Disk Laser: Comparative Study with a Time Delay Model
A Hybrid Approach in Modeling of Statistical Characteristics of Multiple Scattered Light
Methods of Autodyne Interferometry of the Distance by Injected Current Modulation of a Semiconductor Laser
Intermolecular Interaction in Two-component Compounds of Nanodiamonds and Doxorubicin
Optical Absorption and Raman Scattering in Doped Crystals TlGaSe2 and TlInS2
Discrete-Eigenvalue Multiplexing for Soliton Fiber-Optic Communication Links
Mathematical Modeling of Lihgt Transfer in Low-Coherence Reflectometry of Random Media
Structural Features of Statistically Rotationally Invariant Mosaic Birefringent Layers That Show Circular Dichroism
The Influence of Hydrogen Bond on the Structure and IR Spectrum of Triphenyl Phosphite
Optical Characteristics of Asymmetrical Hyperbolic Metamaterials
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