Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Physics, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2

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Anishchenko V. S., Astakhov S. V., Boev Y. I., Biryukova N. I., Strelkova G. I.
Statistics of Poincare Recurrence with Considering Effect of Fluctuations
Sirotkin O. L.
Investigating Stationary Conditions for Moments of Stochastic Process, Driven by Multiplicative Dichotomous Noise and Featuring Erlang First-order Distribution Function, Conditions Related by Golden Ratio
Ерохин П. С., Utkin D. V., Кузнецов О. С., Konnov N. P., Aspen N. A.
Application of Atomic Force Microscopy for Detection of Influence of Antibiotic Upon the Microbial Cell (on the Model of E.coli and I Generation Cephalosporins)
Gavva S. P.
Intensity of Spectral Lines Perturbed Vibrational Transitions States of the Main Absorption Bands Polyatomic Molecules
Elkin P. M., Pulin V. F., Berezin V. I.
System’s Analysis of Vibrational Spectra in Dimmers of 5X-Substituted Uracile
Proceedings of International Scientific Seminar
Serdobintsev A. A., Venig S. B., Alexandrov V. A., Mitin D. M., Veselov A. G., Kiryasov O. A., Elmanov V. I.
Formation of Modified Materials in Flows of Low-temperature Plasma
Voronin D. V., Sadovnikov A. V., Beginin E. N., Shchukin D. G., Gorin D. A.
Magnetic Composites with Embedded Magnetite Nanoparticles: Preparation, Control of Physical Properties, Applications
Gorbachev I. A., Chumakov A. S., Ermakov A. V., Kim V. P., Speranskaya E. S., Goryacheva I. Y., Glukhovskoy E. G.
Investigation of Multilayers Structures Based on the Langmuir–Blodgett Films of CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots
Ermakov A. V., Kim V. P., Chumakov A. S., Gorbachev I. A., Gorin D. A., Savonin A. A., Vidalia I. V., Khomutov G. B., Glukhovskoy E. G.
Integrity Management of Nanocomposite Microstructures Based on Lipids, Polymers and Inorganic Nanoparticles Through Electric Field
Severyukhina A. N., Svenskaya Y. I., Gorin D. A.
Composite Nonwoven Materials with Microparticles for Regenerative Surgery
Klimova S. A., Inozemtseva O. A., German S. V., Skosyreva T. S., Peganov A. D.
Nanocomposite Langmuir Layers Based on Molecular Brushes
Stetsyura S. V., Bulanov M. S., Malyar I. V.
The Impact of External and Internal Electrostatic Fields on Formation of Polyelectrolyte Molecules Coatings
Skaptsov A. A., Volkova E. K., Galushka V. V., Vidalia I. V., Zakharevich A. M., Konyukhova J. G., Kochubey V. I.
Influence of Environment and Temperature on the Luminescent Properties of ZnCdS Nanoparticles
Chumakov A. S., Gorbachev I. A., Ermakov A. V., Kim V. P., Glukhovskoy E. G.
Langmuir Monolayers in the Electric Field
Stetsyura S. V., Gorin D. A.
Different Types of Surface Enhancement Raman Scattering Platforms and their Applications