Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)

Venig Sergey Borisovich

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Anikin A. A., Venig S. B., Bilenko D. I., Gribov A. N. Spheroidal Graphite – Unique Morphological Formation of Carbon
Serdobintsev A. A., Venig S. B., Alexandrov V. A., Mitin D. M., Veselov A. G., Kiryasov O. A., Elmanov V. I. Formation of Modified Materials in Flows of Low-temperature Plasma
Mitin D. M., Volkova N. V., German S. V., Markin A. V., Venig S. B., Serdobintsev A. A. Application of Thin Film Structures Based on Amorphous Silicon for pH Measurements in Solutions
Venig S. B. The 10th Anniversary of the Faculty of Nanoand Biomedical Technologics
Venig S. B., Mahdi O. S., Malyar I. V., Sinyov I. V., Smirnov A. V., Kisin V. V. Morphology of Gas Sensitive Tin Dioxide Thin Films Operating at Room Temperature
Bilenko D. I., Terin D. V., Tozkoparan O., Yildirim O., Galushka V. V., Dincer I., Dobrinsky E. K., Ellerman Y., Venig S. B. The influence of Morphology, Conditions of Production and External Effects on Nanoparticles’ (in Terms of Iron) Dielectric Properties
Bilenko D. I., Terin D. V., Kondrateva O. I., Revzina E. M., Venig S. B. Methodological Aspects and Structure Modelling and Predicting the Behaviour of Nanocomposite Materials in QuantumWise
Ermakov A. V., Lengert E. V., Venig S. B. Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Strategies for Theranostics Applications
Serdobintsev A. A., Venig S. B., Kozlowsky A. V., Volkovoynova L. D. Influence of bending on the structural properties of crystallized silicon films on flexible substrates
Semenov A. A., Venig S. B., Dronkin A. S. Analog models for ternary combinational logic elements