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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Solid-state electronics, micro and nanoelectronics
Analog models for ternary combinational logic elements
Investigation of the possibility of implementing a mid-frequency broadband swept-frequency generator based on the structure of semi-insulating gallium arsenide
Control of resonances in a one-dimensional bragg structure of the microwave range using a distilled water layer as an interface
Specific features of charge transfer fluctuations in disperse structures based on anatase nanoparticles near the percolation threshold
Influence of functional groups on the electronic and energy characteristics of thin films of holey graphene: Results of DFTB simulation
Channeling of magnetostatic surface waves by decoration of ferrite films with metals
SAW devices on frequency harmonics. Features of calculation of SAW parameters by the finite element method
Influence of backlighting on current-voltage characteristics of InGaN / GaN-based structures with back-shift
Modeling power amplifiers in the Microwave Office environment
Integrated research of the phase-shifting properties of a step structure of class II on connected transmission lines with mismatched loads
Effects of geometry of thin-film microwaveguides based on yttrium iron garnet and position of microantennas on characteristics of excitation and transmission of magnetostatic waves in them
Vacuum-plasma processes at extreme field emission in diamond electron sources
Nanocarbon Composites for Non-Incandescent Microwave Magnetrons and Subterahertz Ranges
The Graphene Based Terahertz Transistor
Influence of Plasma-Chemical Modification of the Surface on Transverse Electron Transport and VAC of Silicon MIS Structures
Carbon Film Nanocomposite for High-Current Field Electron Sources
Phonon-Drag Thermopower in a Quantum Wire with Parabolic Confinement Potential for Electrons
Influence of Argon Pressure on Texture and Microstructure of Cobalt Films Produced by Dc-Sputtering
Magnetic Properties of Textured NiFe(111) and NiFe(200) Films
Magnonic Logic Devices
Detection of Terahertz Radiation in Graphene Structure under Conditions of Strong Spatial Inhomogeneity of the Plasmon Electric Field
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