For citation:
Dzhumaliev A. S., Nikulin Y. V. Magnetic Properties of Textured NiFe(111) and NiFe(200) Films. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2017, vol. 17, iss. 4, pp. 242-253. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2017-17-4-242-253
Magnetic Properties of Textured NiFe(111) and NiFe(200) Films
Thickness dependencies (d м 20–370 nm) of the saturation magnetization 4πМ, the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth ΔH, the coercivity field Hc and the shape of hysteresis loops were investigated for Ni80Fe20 (NiFe) films with (200) texture. The thickness dependencies of magnetic parameters for NiFe(200) films were compared with the dependencies 4πМ(d), ΔH(d) and Hc(d) for NiFe(111) films with strong (111) texture and polycrystalline NiFe films. Materials and Methods: NiFe(200) films were dc-sputtered at the substrate temperature Ts ≈ 570 K without substrate bias voltage (Ub ≈ 0). NiFe(111) films were dc-sputtered at the substrate temperature Ts ≈ 300 K and two values of the substrate bias voltage: Ub ≈ −100 V (strong (111) texture) and Ub ≈ 0 (polycrystalline films with weak (111) texture). The microcrystalline structure of the films was studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron and probe microscopy. The magnetic parameters 4πМ and ΔH were measured by the FMR technique (9.9 GHz). The hysteresis loops and the coercivity field Hc were measured using the vibrating sample magnetometer technique. All measurements were carried out at room temperature with the magnetic field applied in the film plane. The magnetic domain structure was investigated using the magnetic force microscopy. Conclusion: It is shown that the thickness dependencies of 4πМ(d) and ΔH(d) for Ni(200) films and Ni(111) films with strong and weak (111) texture coincide with the accuracy 10%, while the Hc (d) dependencies are different. For polycrystalline NiFe films with weak (111) texture (Ub ≈ 0) at the critical thickness dcr≈120 nm the hysteresis loops change from rectangular to “overcritical” and the Hc values increase from Hc ≤ 2 Oe at d < dcr to Hc > 40 Oe for the thicknesses d > dcr. For NiFe(111) films with strong (111) texture (Ub ≈ −100 V) and NiFe(200) the hysteresis loops remain rectangular in the thickness range d ≈ 20–370 nm, Hc values coincide with the accuracy 5% and tend to decrease from Hc ≈ 2.5–3 Oe to Hc ≈ 1.5–2 Oe with increasing thickness. The behavior of the 4πМ(d), ΔH(d) and Hc (d) dependencies is related to the microcrystalline structure (texture, grain size) of the NiFe films.
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