Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Physics, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2

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Yankin S. S., Talby A., Perbedaan J., Preobrazhensky V. L., Pernod P., Bu Matar O.
Surface Acoustic Wave Propagation in Two-dimensional Phononic Crystal on Piezoelectric Substrate
Suchkov S. G., Nikolayevets V. A., Suchkov D. S., Ermishin V. V., Rossoshanskiy A. V.
Analysis by Finite Element Method of Integral Antenna of RFID Tag at 5.5–6.5 GНz
Glukhova O. E., Kirillova I. V., Savin A. N., Grebenyuk K. A., Slepchenkov M. M., Kolesnikova A. S., Fadeev A. A., Smigin D. S.
Methods for Enhancing Emissive Ability of the Carbon Nanotubes
Elkin P. M., Shagautdinova I. T., Pulin V. F.
Structural-dinamics Models and Spectral Identification of Monohydroxysubstituted Flavone
Utkin D. V., Germanchuk V. G., Ерохин П. С., Spitsyn A. N., Shcherbakova S. A., Glazkov A. N.
Using of Method Spectrometric Analysis for Detection Microorganisms
Plastun A. S., Konyukhov A. I.
Dispersion Characteristic Calculation of Photonic Crystal Fiber Guided Modes
Bilenko D. I., Belobrovaya O. Y., Galushka V. V., Karsakova Y. D., Melnikova T. E., Mysenko I. B., Polyanskaya V. P., Terin D. V.
Influence of Water and Biology Active Media on Silicon Nanostructures
Bilenko D. I., Terin D. V., Kondrateva O. I., Revzina E. M., Venig S. B.
Methodological Aspects and Structure Modelling and Predicting the Behaviour of Nanocomposite Materials in QuantumWise
Malyar I. V., Stetsyura S. V.
The Effect of Illumination on Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Molecules During Adsorption onto Semiconductor Substrate
Revzina E. M., Maximova I. L., Skaptsov A. A.
Comparative Experimental Investigations of Backward Diffuse Light Scattering of Test Objects
Kuptsova A. A., Semenov V. V., Listov A. S.
Study of Stochastic Andronov – Hopf Bifurcation in the Oscillator by a Numerical Method
University chronicle
Anikin V. M.
The Faculty of Physics in the XXI Century. To the 70th Anniversary of the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University