Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2
- 2284 reads
Theoretical and mathematical physics
Stepanov E. A., Mayorov A. O., Romanov K. V., Romanov D. V., Romanov V. A.
Mathematical modeling of the Parker’s instability development of large-scale vibrations of magnetic fields in the sun convective zone
Radiophysics, electronics, acoustics
Gorshkov I. B., Petrov V. V.
Numerical simulation of stages number influence to the characteristics of a looped tube thermoacoustic Stirling engine
Optics and spectroscopy. Laser physics
Zimnyakov D. A., Volchkov S. S., Kochkurov L. A., Dorogov A. F., Tokarev A. S., Nikiforov A. A., Markova N. S.
The effect of radiation losses in localized fluorescence upon laser pumping of fluorescent random media
Dobdin S. Y., Dzhafarov A. V., Shchedrinov M. P., Inkin M. G., Skripal A. V.
Nanodisplacement measurements by frequency-modulated laser autodyne
Biophysics and medical physics
Doubrovski V. A., Markov S. V., Kovalev D. G.
Red blood cells sedimentation as a collective process – experimental and theoretical modeling
Zyuryukina O. A., Sinichkin Y. P.
Features of the dynamics of the optical and physiological properties of muscle tissue in vitro during its compression