Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)

Zimnyakov Dmitry Aleksandrovich

Zimnyakov Dmitry Aleksandrovich's picture
First name: 
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Doctor of Sciences
Academic rank: 
зав. кафедрой

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Статьи автора

Авторы Название статьи Журнал
Alonova M. V., Ushakova O. V., Zimnyakov D. A., Baiburin V. B. A Hybrid Approach in Modeling of Statistical Characteristics of Multiple Scattered Light
Zimnyakov D. A., Alonova M. V., Yuvchenko S. A., Ushakova E. V. Mathematical Modeling of Lihgt Transfer in Low-Coherence Reflectometry of Random Media
Isaeva E. A., Isaeva A. A., Zimnyakov D. A. Referenceless Low-Coherence Reflectometry of Random Media under Wide-Band Spectral Selection of Scattered Probe Light
Zimnyakov D. A., Volchkov S. S., Kochkurov L. A., Dorogov A. F., Tokarev A. S., Nikiforov A. A., Markova N. S. The effect of radiation losses in localized fluorescence upon laser pumping of fluorescent random media
Zimnyakov D. A., Alonova M. V., Feodorova V. A., Skripal A. V. Statistical properties of GB speckle patterns: Influence of the phase modulation depth of the synthesized GB apertures
Isaeva E. A., Isaeva A. A., Pantyukov . V., Zimnyakov D. A. Speckle correlometry as a method for evaluating the dynamics of the liquids foam
Zimnyakov D. A., Alonova M. V., Skripal A. V., Dobdin S. Y., Feodorova V. A. Small-angle polarimetry as a technique for identification of nucleotide sequences in bioinformatics
Kochkurov L. A., Volchkov S. S., Vasilkov M. Y., Plugin I. A., Klimova A. A., Zimnyakov D. A. Degradation of conductivity of low-dimensional nanostructured semiconductor layers under long-term dc current flow
Kochkurov L. A., Tsypin D. V., Volchkov S. S., Zimnyakov D. A. Specific features of charge transfer fluctuations in disperse structures based on anatase nanoparticles near the percolation threshold