For citation:
Stepanov E. A., Mayorov A. O., Romanov K. V., Romanov D. V., Romanov V. A. Mathematical modeling of the Parker’s instability development of large-scale vibrations of magnetic fields in the sun convective zone. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 106-115. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2021-21-2-106-115, EDN: DZYYVB
Mathematical modeling of the Parker’s instability development of large-scale vibrations of magnetic fields in the sun convective zone
Background and Objectives: The physical mechanism of the generation of a steady wave flow at the photospheric level is studied, which ensures anomalous heating of the solar atmosphere at various stages of the solar activity cycle. Background and Objectives: We study the conditions of stability loss for slow modes of oscillation at various depths of the convective zone and the development of Parker’s instability, which leads to the ejection of magnetic fields into the atmosphere of the Sun. Materials and Methods: Based on the
conservative difference scheme, an algorithm for calculating the dynamics of a thin magnetic tube when moving in the convective zone and the solar atmosphere is presented. The equilibrium conditions of the position of the magnetic tube at various depths of the convective zone are determined. The types of linear oscillations of the tube near the equilibrium position were determined: fast (Alfven) and slow (varicose) waves. Results: The physical mechanism for generating weak shock waves at the photospheric level by emerging magnetic fields at the nonlinear stage of development (saturation) of Parker’s instability is determined. Conclusion: The results allow further detailed analysis of wave flow generation in the lower layers of the Sun’s atmosphere at various stages of the cycle activity.
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