Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Physics, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2
- 2253 reads
Optics and spectroscopy. Laser physics
Skripal A. V., Dobdin S. Y., Dzhafarov A. V., Sadchikova K. A., Feklistov V. B.
Distance Measurement with Harmonic Modulation of Self-Mixing Laser Wavelength at External Optical Feedback
Biophysics and medical physics
Sagaidachnyi A. A., Mayskov D. I., Zaletov I. S., Fomin A. V., Skripal A. V.
Detection of the Single Sweat Glands Activity Via the Macro Thermography Techniques and Its Relation with Skin Temperature and Peripheral Hemodynamics
Ermakov A. V., Lengert E. V., Venig S. B.
Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery Strategies for Theranostics Applications
Skripal A. V., Bakhmetyev A. S., Brilenok N. B., Dobdin S. Y., Sagaidachnyi A. A., Baatyrov R. T., Usanov A. D., Tikhonova A. S.
Reflection Index of the Pulse Wave for Young Athletes
Solid-state electronics, micro and nanoelectronics
Yafarov R. K., Shabunin N. O., Shanygin V. I., Zakharevich A. M.
Nanocarbon Composites for Non-Incandescent Microwave Magnetrons and Subterahertz Ranges