Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Physics, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3
- 2417 reads
Biophysics and medical physics
Tsoy M. O., Merkulova K. O., Postnov D. E.
Distal Pulse Measurement Provides Statistical, but not Dynamical, Features of the Central Pulse
Darvin M. E., Choe C. S., Schleusener J. ., Lademann J. .
Non-invasive Methods for in vivo Determination of the Skin Barrier Function – Advantages of Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy
Baatyrov R. T., Kalinkin M. Y., Usanov A. D., Dobdin S. Y., Skripal A. V.
Estimation of the Value of Reverse Blood Flow in the Artery by the Second Derivative of the Pulse Pressure Wave
Radiophysics, electronics, acoustics
Tukmakov D. A., Ahunov A. A.
Numerical Study of the Influence of the Electric Charge of a Dispersed Phase on the Propagation of a Shock Wave from Homogeneous Gas to a Dusty Medium
Plotnikov P. K., Melnikov L. A., Mazhirina J. A.
On the Physical Basis of Ultra-High-Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Gyroscopes Based on the Sagnac Effect
Ponomarenko V. I., Lapsheva E. E., Navrotskaya E. V., Ishbulatov Y. M., Prokhorov M. D.
Communication Systems with Correlation Receiver Based on Generators with Dynamical Chaos
Korneev I. A., Slepnev A. V., Semenov V. V., Vadivasova T. E.
Mutual Synchronization of Dissipatively Coupled Memristive Self-Oscillators
Popova E. S., Stankevich N. V., Kuznetsov A. P.
Cascade of Invariant Curve Doubling Bifurcations and Quasi-Periodic Hénon Attractor in the Discrete Lorenz-84 Model