Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Physics, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2
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Radiophysics, electronics, acoustics
Bogomolov S. A., Rybalova E. V., Strelkova G. I., Anishchenko V. S.
Spatiotemporal Structures in an Ensemble of Nonlocally Coupled Nekorkin Maps
Ploskikh A. J., Ryskin N. M.
Simulation of a Sub-THz Traveling Wave Tube with Multiple Sheet Electron Beam
Optics and spectroscopy. Laser physics
Babkov L. M., Davydova N. A., Ivlieva-Peretokina I. V.
The Influence of Hydrogen Bond on the Structure and IR Spectrum of Triphenyl Phosphite
Solid-state electronics, micro and nanoelectronics
Mashinsky K. V., Fateev D. V., Popov V. V.
Detection of Terahertz Radiation in Graphene Structure under Conditions of Strong Spatial Inhomogeneity of the Plasmon Electric Field