Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Physics, 2016, vol. 17, iss. 1
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Theoretical and mathematical physics
Babkov L. M., Davydova N. A., Ivlieva I. V.
IR Spectra of Triphenyl Phosphite and Their Interpretation by Molecular Modeling
Ten G. N., Glukhova O. E., Slepchenkov M. M., Shcherbakova N. E., Baranov V. I.
Modeling of Vibrational Spectra of L-tryptophan in Condensed States
Physics of condensed matter
Hlopov B. V., Chucheva G. V., Mityagina A. B.
Phase Changes of Multiferroic Magnetic Materials, Used in External Memory Systems