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Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-3020 (Print)
ISSN 2542-193X (Online)
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Saratov State University
Professor of Saratov University Georgy P. Boev (1898–1959)
A classic of ultra-high-frequency electronics. To the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Nikolaevich Shevchik
Usanov Dmitriy Alexandrovich – organizer of science and education, outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist and inventor
“Ah, what is moving there along the river…” To the 95th anniversary of the VI Congress of the Russian Association of Physicists
Saratov life of brothers Boris and Gleb Gnedenko
Professor, dean and rector of Saratov University Vladimir V. Golubev. 3. “…His name meant brilliance, harmony and beauty”
Professor, dean and rector of Saratov university Vladimir V. Golubev. 1. “…I left the university with a clear awareness of what I would do next”
Memories of a teacher, colleague and friend Vadim S. Anishchenko (1943–2020)
Professor of Astronomy of Saratov State University Joseph Fedorovich Polak (1881–1954)
Dmitry Ivanovich Trubetskov: 70-th Anniversary
Professor V.I. Kalinin and University Education
The Faculty of Physics in the XXI Century. To the 70th Anniversary of the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University
Problems of Higher Education in Journal «The Heteromagnetic microelectronics»: to the 10th Anniversary from the First Issue
The Third Building: Fifties – Early Sixties XX Century
Petr V. Gulubkov: Pages of Biography in Context of Physical Faculty and University History
«To Get the Ability to Do the Physical Dimension and Research»: A Centenary of Physical Education and Science in Saratov
70 years of the Department of Solid State Physics
Scientific P. N. Lebedev’s School and Saratov University
Department of Optics and Biophotonics: People and Light
The 60th anniversary of the department of physics of the Saratov State University (fragments of the history)
The 100th anniversary of the professor V.P. Juze birthday
The Contractual Pedagogical Education at the Physical Faculty of Saratov State University
Physics of Free-electron Lasers in Saratov State University
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