For citation:
Anikin V. M. Professor, dean and rector of Saratov University Vladimir V. Golubev. 3. “…His name meant brilliance, harmony and beauty”. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 266-284. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2022-22-3-266-284, EDN: TTVDOF
Professor, dean and rector of Saratov University Vladimir V. Golubev. 3. “…His name meant brilliance, harmony and beauty”
Background and Objectives: The final part of the article about Professor V. V. Golubev is devoted to the period of his life and activity from 1930 to 1954. The active campaign launched at Saratov University in the late 1920s against the “reactionary” professorship forced him to leave Saratov in the summer of 1930. V. V. Golubev criticized the simplistic approach to education (cancellation of exams, the brigade method of attestation, the elimination of theses, etc.). Being well known for his scientific works in the field of pure mathematics and aerodynamics, in Moscow he was recruited by the Central Hydroaerodynamic Institute, Moscow University and the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy. Materials and Methods: In the article, Golubev’s achievements in truly enchanting scientific, organizational, teaching and methodological activity are classified and analyzed. In 1934 he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in 1935 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, in 1939, being enrolled in the cadres of the Red Army, he received the high military ranks (brigengineer and major general of the Aviation Engineering Service). He has received many government awards. V. V. Golubev’s books have become desktop for aviation engineers and designers. They are being republished in the 21st century. Conclusion: The creative heritage of V. V. Golubev in the field of science, methods of education, history of science remains relevant to the present.
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