For citation:
Skripal A. V. Usanov Dmitriy Alexandrovich – organizer of science and education, outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist and inventor. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2023, vol. 23, iss. 3, pp. 281-289. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2023-23-3-281-289, EDN: PBMTVN
Usanov Dmitriy Alexandrovich – organizer of science and education, outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist and inventor
Background and Objectives: The activities of Professor Dmitriy Alexandrovich Usanov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, at Saratov State University (SSU) were multifaceted, distinguished by high professionalism, a rare harmonious combination of scientific achievements and relevant applied solutions built on this basis. His achievements include organizational activities aimed at the development and support of research work at SSU at the world level, which was the most important trump card when Saratov University won the status of a National Research University, the development of the Department of Solid State Physics, which provides training of specialists in the direction of bachelor’s and master’s degree “Electronics and Nanoelectronics”, highly qualified personnel in the specialty “Miro electronic component base- and nanoelectronics, quantum devices”, support for the functioning of the network of dissertation councils at SSU and the publication of several series of journal “Izvestiya of Saratov University”, determining the policy and quality of publications in the journal “Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics”, 30-year leadership of the dissertation council in several physical and mathematical scientific areas, organization of deep educational work in the field of preserving historical memory and patriotism, methodological activities aimed at improving the quality of education and research. Materials and Methods: Milestones of Dmitriy A. Usanov’s life path are comprehensively reflected in the article based on the analysis of his diverse and large-scale activities, compiling a bibliography of his main scientific, methodological and educational works. Conclusion: An integral idea of the activities of an outstanding scientist, inventor, teacher, educator of youth is being formed.
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- Usanov D. A. Zinaida Ivanovna Kiryashkina (1914–1985). To the 100th anniversary of her birth. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics, 2014, vol. 14, separate print, pp. 5–7 (in Russian).
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- Usanov D. A., Nikitov S. A., Skripal A. V., Ponomarev D. V. Odnomernye SVCH fotonnye kristally. Novye oblasti primeneniya. 2-e izd., dop. i pererab. [One-dimensional microwave photonic crystals: New applications. 2nd ed., add. and rev.]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2020. 236 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Nikitov S. A., Skripal A. V., Ponomarev D. V. One-Dimensional Microwave Photonic Crystals: New Applications. Taylor Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York, CRC Press, 2019. 154 p.
- Usanov D. A., Nikitov S. A., Skripal A. V., Ponomarev D. V. Odnomernye SVCH fotonnye kristally: Novye oblasti primeneniya [One-Dimensional Microwave Photonic Crystals: New Applications]. Moscow, FIZMATLIT, 2018. 184 p. (in Russian).
- Dmitriy Usanov, Alexander Skripal. Chapter 2: Photonic Crystal Waveguides. P. 23–48. In: Dr. Kok Yeow You, ed. Emerging Waveguide Technology. Intechopen Limited, Registered in England and Wales, 2018. 372 p.,
- Usanov D. A., Skripal A. V. Poluprovodnikovye lazernye avtodiny dlya izmereniya parametrov dvizheniya pri mikroi nanosmeshcheniyakh [Semiconductor laser autodynes for measuring motion parameters at micro- and nanositioning]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2014. 136 p. (in Russian).
- Melnikova I. P., Mullin V. V., Usanov D. A. Puti povysheniya dolgovechnosti i emissionnoi sposobnosti katodov i katodno-setochnykh uzlov v elektrovakuumnykh priborakh SVCH [Ways to increase the durability and emissivity of cathodes and cathode-grid nodes in microwave vacuum devices]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2011. 200 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Gorbatov S. S. Effekty blizhnego polya v elektrodinamicheskikh sistemakh s neodnorodnostyami i ikh ispol’zovanie v tekhnike SVCH [Near-field effects in electrodynamic systems with inhomogeneities and their use in microwave technology]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2011. 392 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A. Blizhnepolevaya skaniruyushchaya SVCH-mikroskopiya i oblasti ee primeneniya [Near-field scanning microwave microscopy and its applications]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2010. 100 p. (in Russian).
- Abramov A. V., Amosova A. I., Anishchenko L. N. et al. Bioradiolokatsiya [Bugaev A. S., Ivashov S. I., eds. Bioradiolocation. 2nd edition]. Moscow, Bauman Moscow State Technical University Publ., 2018. 396 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Skripal Al. V., Skripal An. V. Fizika poluprovodnikovykh radiochastotnykh i opticheskikh avtodinov [Physics of semiconductor radio frequency and optical autodynes]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2003. 312 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Skripal A. V. Fizika raboty poluprovodnikovykh priborov v skhemakh SVCH [Physics of operation of semiconductor devices in microwave circuits). Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 1999. 376 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Nikitov S. A., Skripal A. V., Ponomarev D. V. SVCH fotonnye kristally – novaya raznovidnost’ periodicheskikh struktur v radioelektronike [Microwave photonic crystals are a new kind of periodic structures in radio electronics. Study guide]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2016. 68 p. (in Russian).
- Sagaidachny A. A., Skripal A. V., Usanov D. A. Teplovizionnaya biomeditsinskaya diagnostika [Thermal imaging biomedical diagnostics. Textbook. 2nd ed.]. Saratov, Izdatel’stvo “Saratovskij istochnik”, 2019. 156 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Rytik A. P., Bondarenko A. V. Avtokolebatel’nye protsessy v khimicheskikh sistemakh pri vozdejstvii temperatury i elektromagnitnogo izlucheniya [Self-oscillating processes in chemical systems under the influence of temperature and electromagnetic radiation. Study guide]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2014. 56 p. (in Russian).
- Anikin V. M., Usanov D. A. Dissertatsiya v zerkale avtoreferata: metodicheskoe posobie dlya aspirantov i soiskatelej uchenoi stepeni estestvenno-nauchnykh special’nostei. Izd. 3-e, pererab. i dop. [Dissertation in the mirror of the abstract: A methodological guide for graduate students and applicants for a degree in natural science specialties. 3rd ed., rev. and add.]. Moscow, Publishing house “SIC INFRA-M”, 2013. 128 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Lutyanova O. N., Suchkov D. S. Vvedenie v innovatiku [Introduction to innovation]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2011. 96 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Skripal A. V., Usanova T. B. Metody issledovaniya i korrektzii dvizheniya glaz pri nistagme [Methods of investigation and correction of eye movement in nystagmus]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2008. 116 p. (in Russian).
- Usanov D. A., Suchkov S. G. Mnogochastichnye kvantovye effekty v fizike tvyordogo tela (eksiton, kvantovye effekty Holla, sverhprovodimost’: uchebnoe posobie [Multiparticle quantum effects in solid state physics (exciton, quantum Hall effects, superconductivity): study guide]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2007. 116 p. (in Russian).
- Romanova N. V., Vagarin A. Yu., Usanov D. A. Osnovy nauchno-tekhnicheskogo tvorchestva i patentovedeniya: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov fizicheskogo fakul’teta [Fundamentals of scientific and technical creativity and patenting: Textbook. Manual for students of the Faculty of Physics]. Saratov, Saratov State University Publ., 2003. 60 p. (in Russian).
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