For citation:
Anikin V. M. Peter N. Lebedev’s school: Principles of scientific and educational activities. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2021, vol. 21, iss. 2, pp. 188-201. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2021-21-1-188-201, EDN: LXZGTT
Peter N. Lebedev’s school: Principles of scientific and educational activities
Background and Objectives: At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the first Russian scientific school in physics of the world level was formed at Moscow University. The founder and head of the school was Professor Peter N. Lebedev, a brilliant experimental physicist, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a Nobel Prize nominee. In the Lebedev’s scientific
laboratory worked: 6 future academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences, including S. I. Vavilov, President of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1945–1951, who was at the origins of the discovery, marked by the Nobel Prize; 5 corresponding members of the USSR Academy of Sciences, dozens of professors and scientific workers, many of whom, in turn, became the founders of their own scientific schools. Materials and Methods: The goal of the article is to identify the basic complex of principles of labor organization and relationships within the research team by P. N. Lebedev based on the study and analysis of biographical data, scientific papers and memories of members of the scientific school. Conclusion: As a result of this consideration, the article crystallizes the principles of collective activity of the scientific school of P. N. Lebedev, which led to its worldwide recognition: thoughtful conducting research works on ideologically related topics; the extremely responsible attitude of P. N. Lebedev to collaborators, which together ensured the successful solution of the assigned tasks (clear organization of work, direct assistance, psychological support); development of experimental and instrumental base for conducting priority research; regular study of world achievements in the field of physical sciences in the framework of weekly colloquia and direct contacts with the leader in the laboratory and outside it; the most thorough attitude to the performance of work and the presentation of their results. Lebedev’ style of work with his students was subsequently adopted by them in their further independent activities. The active participation of Lebedev's students in the organization of the Physics Institute of Saratov University when it was opened in 1909 is noted.
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