For citation:
Firsova S. S., Bucharskaya A. B., Maslyakova G. N., Zlobina O. V., Matveeva O. V., Bugaeva I. O., Khlebtsov N. G., Khlebtsov B. N., Bogatyrev V. A. The Changes of Morphological Indicators of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood at Long Exposure of Gold Nanoparticles. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2011, vol. 11, iss. 2, pp. 54-57. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2011-11-2-54-57
The Changes of Morphological Indicators of Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood at Long Exposure of Gold Nanoparticles
The exposure of gold nanoparticles with different size on the morphological indicators of red bone marrow and peripheral blood of white not purebred rats at long peroral introduction were studied in experiment. The mutagen influence of gold nanoparticles on polychromatophilous erythrocytes of bone marrow were estimated by micronuclear test. During research the reduction of quantity of leukocytes in peripheral blood and the erythrocyte volume reduction with increase of their hemoglobin saturation were revealed. The changes reflecting the mutagen activity of gold nanoparticles were not revealed at carrying out micronuclear test. The changes of morphological indicators of bone marrow testify about stimulation processes occurring in a marrow lymphocytic and myelocytic sprouts of hemopoiesis as a result of reduction of mature cells in peripheral blood.
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