For citation:
Usanov D. A. Saratov Pages of the History of Physics: V. P. Jousset, E. F. Gross. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2018, vol. 18, iss. 3, pp. 228-236. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2018-18-2-228-236
Saratov Pages of the History of Physics: V. P. Jousset, E. F. Gross
The facts from the biography of V. P. Zhuze and E. F. Gross, related to their work at the Saratov State University, have been described. The content of new effects and relationships, which were established for the first time by V. P. Zhuze and E. F. Gross and became the history of semiconductor physics, has been briefly described. The information on the development of the research direction, for the first time organized at the Saratov State University by V. P. Zhuze, after his departure has been presented. The conclusion on the influence of V. P. Zhuze and E. F. Gross on the direction of the development of physical research at the Saratov State University has been drawn.
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