For citation:
Tuchin V. V. Jubilee of Chair of Optics and Biomedical Physics and 100-Years Anniversary of Its Founder – Professor Mark L’vovich Katz . Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2007, vol. 7, iss. 1, pp. 65-74. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2007-7-1-65-74
Jubilee of Chair of Optics and Biomedical Physics and 100-Years Anniversary of Its Founder – Professor Mark L’vovich Katz
A short history of foundation and development of Chair of Optics of Saratov State University (SSU) is presented. Chair was founded on May 5, 1946 by Professor Mark L’vovich Katz, well recognized expert in luminescence. In the paper the outstanding role of M.L. Katz in the development of optical education and science in SSU, other Universities, organizations and enterprises of Saratov Region is shown. August 12, 2006 is 100-years anniversary of Professor M.L. Katz. In the paper the current status of educational and scientific programs, education and research staff, as well as research-educational achievements of Chair of Optics and Biomedical Physics are also analyzed.
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- Priezzhev A.V. Fifty Years of Optical Science at the Saratov Science Center // Optical Engineering Reports. 1996. №154, оct. Р.20.
Литература о кафедре
- Тучин В.В. Марк Львович Кац. 50 лет оптической науки и образования в Саратовском университете // Изв. вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика. Спец. вып., посв. 90-летию со дня рождения Марка Львовича Каца. Нелинейная динамика лазеров и оптических систем. 1995. Т.3, №6. С.135−139.
- Coherence-Domain Methods in Biomedical Optics, Dedicated to the memory Professor Mark L. Katz, on the 90th anniversary of his birth, and the 50th anniversary of the Department of Optics, Chernyshevsky Saratov State University / Ed. V.V. Tuchin // CIS Book of Selected Papers: Proc SPIE. V.2732. Bellingham, USA, 1996. 252 p.
- Tuchin V.V. Portrait of Mark L. Katz // Coherence-Domain Methods in Biomedical Optics, CIS Book of Selected Papers: Proc SPIE. V.2732. Bellingham, USA, 1996. Р. x, xi,
- Tuchin V.V. Mark L. Katz: fifty years of optical sciences and education in Saratov State University // Nonlinear Dynamics of Laser and Optical System. CIS Book of Selected Papers: Рroc SPIE. V.3177. Bellingham, USA, 1997. Р.165−169.
- Tuсhin V.V. Saratov Center for Optics, Laser Physics & Biophysics (Russian Federation Program on Integration of Education and Basic Research) // Proc SPIE. V.3726. Bellingham, USA, 1999. Р.xvii−xxv.
- Hatcher M. Getting under Your Skin // Opto & Laser Europe. 2000. Iss.78. Р.37.
- Masters В. Tissue Optics, Valery Tuchin SPIE Press, 2000 // Optics & Photonics News. 2001. July. Р.58.
- Masters В. Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics, Valery Tuchin SPIE Press, 2002 // Optics & Photonics News. 2003. February. Р.51.
- Masters В. OSA Fellow Travel Grant: Opens Doors in Saratov and St. Petersburg, Russia // Optics & Photonics News. 2003. March. Р.22−23.
- Chernyshevsky Saratov State University // Optical Education, International Directory of Degree Programs in Optics: SPIE & OSA. Bellingham, USA, 2004−2005. Р.42−43.
- Boas G. Immersion Liquids Increase Optical Penetration of Brain Tissue // Biophotonics Research. 2004. V.1. Р.61−63.
- Special issue in honour of Professor Valery V Tuchin’s contribution to the field of biomedical optics / Eds. R.K. Wang, A.V. Priezzhev, S. Fantini // J. Physics D: Applied Physics. 2005. V.15. Р.2493−2747.
- Myllylä R. Book review: Handbook of Coherent Domain Optical Methods: Biomedical Diagnostics, Environmental and Material Science, vols. 1 and 2, Ed. Valery V. Tuchin, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2004) // J. Biomed. Optics. 2005. V.10(6). Р.069901-1-2.
- Breault R. The economic importance of an optical science program on economic development developing regions // Breault Research Organization, Arizona Optics Industry Association (USA): Proc SPIE. Bellingham, USA, 2006. V.6163. Р.xix.
- 60 лет на службе света. К 60-летнему юбилею кафедры оптики и биомедицинской физики, 100-летию М.Л. Каца, 85-летию Н.К. Сидорова и 75-летию Л.С. Стальмаховой: Буклет / Сост. В.В. Тучин, В.И. Цой, А.Г. Финкель. Саратов, 2006
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