For citation:
Chumakov A. S., Gorbachev I. A., Ermakov A. V., Kim V. P., Glukhovskoy E. G. Langmuir Monolayers in the Electric Field. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Physics , 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 80-83. DOI: 10.18500/1817-3020-2013-13-2-80-83
Langmuir Monolayers in the Electric Field
An influence of the electric field oriented vertically on the formation process of monolayers. Water and water solutions of inorganic salts are used as a subphase. It’s experimentally shown that the electric field may affect significantly on the monolayers formation of fatty acids: manolayr’s loosening occurs when a deionized water is used as a subphase; manolayr’s consolidation is observed when water solutions of inorganic salts are used as a subphase. An electric field can be significant technology factor of the Langmuir monolayer’s formation process.
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